Gifts in Honor or Memory
A Meaningful Tribute
An Honor contribution is a thoughtful way to recognize someone for a noteworthy accomplishment, or on a special occasion.
In Honor:
In Memory:
Commemorate the memory of a friend, family member, or beloved animal.
ZDR3 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
All donations are tax deductible.
EIN: 87-4230887
1989 Colonial Pkwy
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Make all checks payable to ZDR3 & mail to:
How it Works
Make a Contribution: Choose an amount to donate in honor or memory of someone special.
Personalize Your Tribute: If donating through PayPal, choose "In Honor/Memory" from the dropdown menu and enter the desired name in the provided space. If donating by check, please write "In Honor of" or "In Memory of" followed by the name as you would like it to appear online.
Honoring Loved Ones: All contributors will be recognized on our dedicated ZDR3 Contributors page for a year, creating a lasting tribute to the individuals and animals who have touched our lives.
Your Contribution Matters
Every contribution made in honor or memory directly fuels ZDR3's efforts to aid animals in the aftermath of disaster events. Thank you for being a vital part of our disaster response efforts.
For inquiries or assistance, contact us at admin@zdr3.org