How to Join the ZDR3 Network
If your facility would like to join, your owner/director must sign a mutual support agreement. ZDR3 has three different agreements to allow a facility the flexibility to participate in a manner that fits their specific needs.
If you would like to fully participate in the ZDR3 Network by potentially offering on-scene disaster response assistance to another organization and the ability to receive support, you must sign a ZDR3 Network Facility Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
To request an MOU to review, please email us at admin@zdr3.org.
To learn more about the ZDR3 Network, please see our FAQs.
Agreement Types
The ZDR3 Network MOU For Organizations Housing Animals
Establishes terms for a collaborative effort among facilities that house non-domesticated animals to provide disaster assistance before, during, or after incidents that may put non-domesticated animals in crisis. Note: ZDR3 must have a signed ZDR3 Network MOU already in place before we can render assistance to your facility.
The ZDR3 Network MOU For Organizations Not Housing Animals
For organizations that specialize in providing resources and services to zoological facilities.
The ZDR3 Supporting Facility Agreement
Outlines the opportunity for facilities or organizations that are unable to sign the ZDR3 MOU to still participate in the ZDR3 Network as a Supporting Facility. Supporting Facilities may contribute to the network through donations or loans of supplies and resources, temporary housing for relocated animals, or funding during crises. Individual activities will require appropriate documentation and will be addressed as needed. Supporting Facilities can still reach out to the ZDR3 network for help, however, the level of response support that they are able to receive may be limited due to the restrictions that have prevented their participation in a formalized mutual aid agreement.